Travel Back In Time To Manila of Year 1946
In the book "Terror in Manila" a Filipino scientist who happens to dabble in occult philosophy, has gotten it into his head to try to change things regarding a chapter in the history of the Philippines. He wants to see what might have happened if the United States had not granted independence to the Filipinos on July 4th 1946.
He figures that by killing the representative of the US President, Washington would be so furious and think the Filipinos weren't politically mature enough to carry on with the responsibilities that go with freedom and thus refuse to grant their request for sovereignty.
The trip to the past and back to the present (future?) uses the technique of breaking-up the molecular structure of the time traveler and the time machine at sub-atomic levels and their reconstruction to their original substance and form upon arrival at the targeted time zone. It's kind of similar to the teleportation techniques used by the starship Enterprise people in disappearing from within their ship and popping-up on earth (or other planets) at different stages in history.
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