From The Past, See How You Look In The Future, On Video
In "Back To The Future" Doc Emmett Brown, the inventor of the time machine that looks and runs like a DeLorean car, doesn't quite figure that he, or rather, the Emmett Brown of 1955 will get to see a videotape of himself talking about the invention he made (or will later in life make) in 1985.
In the movie, Doc's friend Marty gets stuck in some car chase and Libyan terrorists are hot on his tail with a rocket grenade pointed at his back. Marty flees from his pursuers aboard the time machine--after helplessly watching them shoot Doc Brown--and arrives in 1955. He meets up with Doc Brown (of 1955) who doesn't know or recognize him then.
Things settle in and the Doc Brown of 1955 watches in amusement as an older version of himself explains how the time machine works through the videotape he himself made in 1985 (and brought by Marty into the past). The paradox here is that the Doc Brown of 1955 doesn't quite realize at the precise moment that he's watching the videotape, that he will ultimately get around to invent the time machine in 1985. Right now, he's only busy amusing himself with the videocam recorder Marty brought in from 1985.
When it's time for Marty to return to 1985 he hands Doc Brown a handwritten note in an evelope which isn't to be opened till 1985. The note tells him he's going to be shot by terrorists on a night in 1985. And that's how Doc is able to prepare for the actual event in 1985 by wearing a bullet-proof vest when the time came. Dazed but unharmed by the slugs, Doc Brown regains his wits and sees Marty sobbing beside him having just arrived in 1985 after being sent-off by Doc Brown from 1955.
The Doc Brown of the past came well prepared as he advanced into 1985. This paradox isn't probably as terrible as that which would involve killing someone who's not of the present, but in the past, as told in Terror in Manila (Amazon books).
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